4.1 Fake News (Text Classification)
The fake news dataset is a collection of news articles from the Kaggle Fake News Challenge and is used to predict whether a news article is real or fake.
- id: unique id for a news article
- title: the title of a news article
- author: author of the news article
- text: the text of the article; could be incomplete
- label: a label that marks the article as potentially unreliable
- 1: fake
- 0: true
## title label
## 0 House Dem Aide: We Didn’t Even See Comey’s Let... 1
## 1 FLYNN: Hillary Clinton, Big Woman on Campus - ... 0
## 2 Why the Truth Might Get You Fired 1
## 3 15 Civilians Killed In Single US Airstrike Hav... 1
## 4 Iranian woman jailed for fictional unpublished... 1
## 5 Jackie Mason: Hollywood Would Love Trump if He... 0
## 6 Life: Life Of Luxury: Elton John’s 6 Favorite ... 1
## 7 Benoît Hamon Wins French Socialist Party’s Pre... 0
## 8 Excerpts From a Draft Script for Donald Trump’... 0
## 9 A Back-Channel Plan for Ukraine and Russia, Co... 0